01953 714656

Welcome to East Harling
East Harling is a thriving village with easy quick access to the A11 running through the heart of Norfolk. Situated only 20 minutes from Norwich and within an hours drive of the Coast, East Harling and its surrounding areas is an ideal location.
Within the village we have excellent amenities, we have our Parish Church, Bowls Club, Youth Centre, WI and Gardening Club, regular Senior lunches and Coffee Mornings and Welcome Hub that meets every Monday. We also have an amazing 7 acre Recreation Ground with our own football and cricket team, and excellent tennis courts.
East Harling is also home to a Fire Station, Doctors Surgery, Hair Salon, Fish and Chip shop, Bakery, Chinese takeaway, Dentist, two pubs, small supermarket and butchers, plus an excellent DIY shop and Post Office that also stock pet supplies. We also have a fine primary and junior school.
Bus services run regularly to local Market Towns and Norwich City.
The Parish Council
The Parish Council is made up of 11 Councillors who are elected every 4 years, the main areas of the Councils responsibilities are:
Upkeep of the village street lighting
The Recreation Ground
Play Parks
The allotments
Commenting on planning applications
The war memorial
The village notice board
Garboldisham Road cemetery
General maintenance around the village
Market Square
Bottle Banks
Christmas lights and tree
Community Garden
Harling Parish Council are members of The Society of Local Council Clerks, Norfolk Parish Training Partnership and hold the Quality level award with the Local Council Award Scheme.
The Parish Council are Custodial Trustees of Harling Recreation Ground