01953 714656
In Harling we have three charitable trusts offer financial support village and its residents . If you or a family member require support with such areas as healthcare costs, fuel, children's trips and uniform, caring, hospital visits etc, please use the contact details below. An application form will be required and the process is means tested. Applications will only be accepted from residents of Harling. Contact the Combined Trust for fuel, healthcare etc, and the Education Foundation for those under 21 require financial support to help with their education.
For end of year account information please visit the Charities Commissions website
Harling Town Lands Trust
Charity no. 211118
Trustees 2023
Mr P Edge (Chair)
Mr G Jubb
Mr J Jacobs
Mr B Copping
Mrs S Wilson
Mrs D Jubb
Mrs R Jacobs
Mrs J Denniss
Mr Brian Copping
01953 717800
Harling Combined Trust
Charity no. 211117
Mr P Edge (Chair)
Mrs D Jubb
Mr B Copping
Mrs L Mould
Mrs Kate Filby
01953 714656
Harling Education Foundation
Charity no. 311209
Mr G Jubb (Chair)
Mrs L Mould
Mr P Rollins
Mr J Jacobs
Mr P Edge
Mr Andrew Hayward
0777 1678723